[OMPI users] mpi_scatterv problem in fortran
Siva Srinivas Kolukula
2017-05-15 06:30:07 UTC
I want to scatter matrix from root to other processors using scatterv. I am
creating a communicator topology using *mpi_cart_create*. As an example I
have the below code in fortran:

USE mpi
integer, PARAMETER :: m = 4, n = 4
integer, DIMENSION(m,n) :: a, b,h
integer :: i,j,count
integer,allocatable, dimension(:,:):: loc ! local piece of global 2d array
INTEGER :: istatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),ierr
integer, dimension(2) :: sizes, subsizes, starts
INTEGER :: ista,iend,jsta,jend,ilen,jlen
INTEGER :: iprocs, jprocs, nprocs
integer,allocatable,dimension(:):: rcounts, displs
INTEGER :: rcounts0,displs0
integer, PARAMETER :: ROOT = 0
integer :: dims(2),coords(2)
logical :: periods(2)
data periods/2*.false./
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer :: comm2d,source,myrank
integer :: newtype, resizedtype
integer :: comsize,charsize
integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: extent, begin

! Get a new communicator for a decomposition of the domain.
dims(1) = 0
dims(2) = 0
CALL MPI_DIMS_CREATE(nprocs,2,dims,ierr)
if (myrank.EQ.Root) then
print *,nprocs,'processors have been arranged
CALL MPI_CART_CREATE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,2,dims,periods,.true., &
! Get my position in this communicator
CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(comm2d,myrank,ierr)
! Get the decomposition
CALL fnd2ddecomp(comm2d,m,n,ista,iend,jsta,jend)
! print *,ista,jsta,iend,jend
ilen = iend - ista + 1
jlen = jend - jsta + 1

CALL MPI_Cart_get(comm2d,2,dims,periods,coords,ierr)
iprocs = dims(1)
jprocs = dims(2)
! define the global matrix
if (myrank==ROOT) then
count = 0
do j = 1,n
do i = 1,m
a(i,j) = count
count = count+1
print *, 'global matrix is: '
do 90 i=1,m
do 80 j = 1,n
70 format(2x,I5,$)
80 continue
print *, ' '
90 continue
call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

starts = [0,0]
sizes = [m, n]
subsizes = [ilen, jlen]
call MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, sizes, subsizes, starts, &
newtype, ierr)
call MPI_Type_size(MPI_INTEGER, charsize, ierr)
begin = 0
extent = charsize
call MPI_Type_create_resized(newtype, begin, extent, resizedtype, ierr)
call MPI_Type_commit(resizedtype, ierr)

! get counts and displacmeents
rcounts0 = 1
displs0 = (ista-1) + (jsta-1)*m
CALL MPI_Allgather(rcounts0,1,MPI_INT,rcounts,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR)
CALL MPI_Allgather(displs0,1,MPI_INT,displs,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR)

! scatter data
call MPI_Scatterv(a,rcounts,displs,resizedtype, &
loc,ilen*jlen,MPI_INTEGER, &
! print each processor matrix
do source = 0,nprocs-1
if (myrank.eq.source) then
print *,'myrank:',source
do i=1,ilen
do j = 1,jlen
701 format(2x,I5,$)
print *, ' '
call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

call MPI_Type_free(newtype,ierr)
call MPI_Type_free(resizedtype,ierr)



subroutine fnd2ddecomp(comm2d,m,n,ista,iend,jsta,jend)
integer comm2d
integer m,n,ista,jsta,iend,jend
integer dims(2),coords(2),ierr
logical periods(2)
! Get (i,j) position of a processor from Cartesian topology.
CALL MPI_Cart_get(comm2d,2,dims,periods,coords,ierr)
! Decomposition in first (ie. X) direction
CALL MPE_DECOMP1D(m,dims(1),coords(1),ista,iend)
! Decomposition in second (ie. Y) direction
CALL MPE_DECOMP1D(n,dims(2),coords(2),jsta,jend)
end subroutine fnd2ddecomp

SUBROUTINE MPE_DECOMP1D(n,numprocs,myid,s,e)
integer n,numprocs,myid,s,e,nlocal,deficit
nlocal = n / numprocs
s = myid * nlocal + 1
deficit = mod(n,numprocs)
s = s + min(myid,deficit)
! Give one more slice to processors
if (myid .lt. deficit) then
nlocal = nlocal + 1
e = s + nlocal - 1
if (e .gt. n .or. myid .eq. numprocs-1) e = n
end subroutine MPE_DECOMP1D

END program SendRecv

I am generating a 4x4 matrix, and using scatterv I am sending the blocks of
matrices to other processors. Code works fine for 4,2 and 16 processors.
But throws a error for three processors. What modifications I have to do
make it work for any number of given processors.

Global matrix in Root:

[ 0 4 8 12
1 5 9 13
2 6 10 14
3 7 11 15 ]

For 4 processors each processors gets.

Rank =0 : [0 4
1 5]
Rank =1 : [8 12
9 13]
Rank =2 : [2 6
3 7]
Rank =3 : [10 14
11 15]

Code works for 4, 2 and 16 processors; in fact it works when sub-arrays are
of similar size. It fails for 3 processors. For 3 processors I am expecting:

Rank =0 : [0 4 8 12
1 5 9 13]
Rank =1 : [2 6 10 14]
Rank =2 : [3 7 11 15]

But I am getting the following error. Where I am missing? what
modifications I have to make to make it work.

Fatal error in PMPI_Scatterv: Message truncated, error stack:
PMPI_Scatterv(671)................: MPI_Scatterv(sbuf=0x6b58c0,
scnts=0xf95d90, displs=0xfafbe0, dtype=USER<resized>, rbuf=0xfafc00,
rcount=4, MPI_INTEGER, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
I_MPIR_Scatterv_intra(278)........: Failure during collective
MPIDI_CH3U_Receive_data_found(131): Message from rank 0 and tag 6
truncated; 32 bytes received but buffer size is 16
Fatal error in PMPI_Scatterv: Message truncated, error stack:
PMPI_Scatterv(671)................: MPI_Scatterv(sbuf=0x6b58c0,
scnts=0x240bda0, displs=0x240be60, dtype=USER<resized>,
rbuf=0x240be80, rcount=4, MPI_INTEGER, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
I_MPIR_Scatterv_intra(278)........: Failure during collective
MPIDI_CH3U_Receive_data_found(131): Message from rank 0 and tag 6
truncated; 32 bytes received but buffer size is 16
forrtl: error (69): process interrupted (SIGINT)
Image PC Routine Line
a.out 0000000000479165 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 0000000000476D87 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000044B7C4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000044B5D6 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000042DB76 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 00000000004053DE Unknown Unknown Unknown
libpthread.so.0 00007F2327456790 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 00007F2326EFE2F7 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B899E8 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327C94E39 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327C94B32 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6E44A Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6DD5D Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6DBDC Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6DB0C Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6F932 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpifort.so.12 00007F2328294B1C Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000040488B Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000040385E Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 00007F2326E4DD5D Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 0000000000403769 Unknown Unknown Unknown

*SAVE WATER ** ~ **SAVE ENERGY**~ **~ **SAVE EARTH *[image:
Earth-22-june.gif (7996 bytes)]


Siva Srinivas Kolukula, PhD
*Scientist - B*
Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC)
Advisory Services and Satellite Oceanography Group (ASG)
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
"Ocean Valley"
Pragathi Nagar (B.O)
Nizampet (S.O)
Hyderabad - 500 090
Telangana, INDIA

Office: 040 23886124

*Cell: +91 9381403232; +91 8977801947*
Jeff Hammond
2017-05-15 15:02:28 UTC
Based upon the symbols in the backtrace, you are using Intel MPI, not
Open-MPI. If there is a bug in the MPI library, it is likely also in
MPICH, so you might try to reproduce this in MPICH. You can also try to
run with Open-MPI. If you see a problem in both Intel MPI/MPICH and
Open-MPI, it is almost certainly incorrect usage.


On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 11:30 PM, Siva Srinivas Kolukula <
Post by Siva Srinivas Kolukula
I want to scatter matrix from root to other processors using scatterv. I
am creating a communicator topology using *mpi_cart_create*. As an
USE mpi
integer, PARAMETER :: m = 4, n = 4
integer, DIMENSION(m,n) :: a, b,h
integer :: i,j,count
integer,allocatable, dimension(:,:):: loc ! local piece of global 2d array
INTEGER :: istatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),ierr
integer, dimension(2) :: sizes, subsizes, starts
INTEGER :: ista,iend,jsta,jend,ilen,jlen
INTEGER :: iprocs, jprocs, nprocs
integer,allocatable,dimension(:):: rcounts, displs
INTEGER :: rcounts0,displs0
integer, PARAMETER :: ROOT = 0
integer :: dims(2),coords(2)
logical :: periods(2)
data periods/2*.false./
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer :: comm2d,source,myrank
integer :: newtype, resizedtype
integer :: comsize,charsize
integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: extent, begin
! Get a new communicator for a decomposition of the domain.
dims(1) = 0
dims(2) = 0
CALL MPI_DIMS_CREATE(nprocs,2,dims,ierr)
if (myrank.EQ.Root) then
print *,nprocs,'processors have been arranged into',dims(1),'X',dims(2),'grid'
CALL MPI_CART_CREATE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,2,dims,periods,.true., &
! Get my position in this communicator
CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(comm2d,myrank,ierr)
! Get the decomposition
CALL fnd2ddecomp(comm2d,m,n,ista,iend,jsta,jend)
! print *,ista,jsta,iend,jend
ilen = iend - ista + 1
jlen = jend - jsta + 1
CALL MPI_Cart_get(comm2d,2,dims,periods,coords,ierr)
iprocs = dims(1)
jprocs = dims(2)
! define the global matrix
if (myrank==ROOT) then
count = 0
do j = 1,n
do i = 1,m
a(i,j) = count
count = count+1
print *, 'global matrix is: '
do 90 i=1,m
do 80 j = 1,n
70 format(2x,I5,$)
80 continue
print *, ' '
90 continue
call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
starts = [0,0]
sizes = [m, n]
subsizes = [ilen, jlen]
call MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, sizes, subsizes, starts, &
newtype, ierr)
call MPI_Type_size(MPI_INTEGER, charsize, ierr)
begin = 0
extent = charsize
call MPI_Type_create_resized(newtype, begin, extent, resizedtype, ierr)
call MPI_Type_commit(resizedtype, ierr)
! get counts and displacmeents
rcounts0 = 1
displs0 = (ista-1) + (jsta-1)*m
CALL MPI_Allgather(rcounts0,1,MPI_INT,rcounts,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR)
CALL MPI_Allgather(displs0,1,MPI_INT,displs,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR)
! scatter data
call MPI_Scatterv(a,rcounts,displs,resizedtype, &
loc,ilen*jlen,MPI_INTEGER, &
! print each processor matrix
do source = 0,nprocs-1
if (myrank.eq.source) then
print *,'myrank:',source
do i=1,ilen
do j = 1,jlen
701 format(2x,I5,$)
print *, ' '
call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_Type_free(newtype,ierr)
call MPI_Type_free(resizedtype,ierr)
subroutine fnd2ddecomp(comm2d,m,n,ista,iend,jsta,jend)
integer comm2d
integer m,n,ista,jsta,iend,jend
integer dims(2),coords(2),ierr
logical periods(2)
! Get (i,j) position of a processor from Cartesian topology.
CALL MPI_Cart_get(comm2d,2,dims,periods,coords,ierr)
! Decomposition in first (ie. X) direction
CALL MPE_DECOMP1D(m,dims(1),coords(1),ista,iend)
! Decomposition in second (ie. Y) direction
CALL MPE_DECOMP1D(n,dims(2),coords(2),jsta,jend)
end subroutine fnd2ddecomp
SUBROUTINE MPE_DECOMP1D(n,numprocs,myid,s,e)
integer n,numprocs,myid,s,e,nlocal,deficit
nlocal = n / numprocs
s = myid * nlocal + 1
deficit = mod(n,numprocs)
s = s + min(myid,deficit)
! Give one more slice to processors
if (myid .lt. deficit) then
nlocal = nlocal + 1
e = s + nlocal - 1
if (e .gt. n .or. myid .eq. numprocs-1) e = n
end subroutine MPE_DECOMP1D
END program SendRecv
I am generating a 4x4 matrix, and using scatterv I am sending the blocks
of matrices to other processors. Code works fine for 4,2 and 16 processors.
But throws a error for three processors. What modifications I have to do
make it work for any number of given processors.
[ 0 4 8 12
1 5 9 13
2 6 10 14
3 7 11 15 ]
For 4 processors each processors gets.
Rank =0 : [0 4
1 5]
Rank =1 : [8 12
9 13]
Rank =2 : [2 6
3 7]
Rank =3 : [10 14
11 15]
Code works for 4, 2 and 16 processors; in fact it works when sub-arrays
are of similar size. It fails for 3 processors. For 3 processors I am
Rank =0 : [0 4 8 12
1 5 9 13]
Rank =1 : [2 6 10 14]
Rank =2 : [3 7 11 15]
But I am getting the following error. Where I am missing? what
modifications I have to make to make it work.
PMPI_Scatterv(671)................: MPI_Scatterv(sbuf=0x6b58c0, scnts=0xf95d90, displs=0xfafbe0, dtype=USER<resized>, rbuf=0xfafc00, rcount=4, MPI_INTEGER, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
I_MPIR_Scatterv_intra(278)........: Failure during collective
MPIDI_CH3U_Receive_data_found(131): Message from rank 0 and tag 6 truncated; 32 bytes received but buffer size is 16
PMPI_Scatterv(671)................: MPI_Scatterv(sbuf=0x6b58c0, scnts=0x240bda0, displs=0x240be60, dtype=USER<resized>, rbuf=0x240be80, rcount=4, MPI_INTEGER, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
I_MPIR_Scatterv_intra(278)........: Failure during collective
MPIDI_CH3U_Receive_data_found(131): Message from rank 0 and tag 6 truncated; 32 bytes received but buffer size is 16
forrtl: error (69): process interrupted (SIGINT)
Image PC Routine Line Source
a.out 0000000000479165 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 0000000000476D87 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000044B7C4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000044B5D6 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000042DB76 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 00000000004053DE Unknown Unknown Unknown
libpthread.so.0 00007F2327456790 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 00007F2326EFE2F7 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B899E8 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327C94E39 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327C94B32 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6E44A Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6DD5D Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6DBDC Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6DB0C Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6F932 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpifort.so.12 00007F2328294B1C Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000040488B Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000040385E Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 00007F2326E4DD5D Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 0000000000403769 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Earth-22-june.gif (7996 bytes)]
Siva Srinivas Kolukula, PhD
*Scientist - B*
Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC)
Advisory Services and Satellite Oceanography Group (ASG)
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
"Ocean Valley"
Pragathi Nagar (B.O)
Nizampet (S.O)
Hyderabad - 500 090
Telangana, INDIA
Office: 040 23886124
*Cell: +91 9381403232; +91 8977801947*
users mailing list
Jeff Hammond
Siva Srinivas Kolukula
2017-05-16 04:06:11 UTC
Dear Jeff Hammond

Thanks a lot for the reply. I have tried with mpiexec, I am getting the
same error. But according to this link:
it is possible. Any suggestions/ advice?

*SAVE WATER ** ~ **SAVE ENERGY**~ **~ **SAVE EARTH *[image:
Earth-22-june.gif (7996 bytes)]


Siva Srinivas Kolukula, PhD
*Scientist - B*
Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC)
Advisory Services and Satellite Oceanography Group (ASG)
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
"Ocean Valley"
Pragathi Nagar (B.O)
Nizampet (S.O)
Hyderabad - 500 090
Telangana, INDIA

Office: 040 23886124

*Cell: +91 9381403232; +91 8977801947*
Post by Jeff Hammond
Based upon the symbols in the backtrace, you are using Intel MPI, not
Open-MPI. If there is a bug in the MPI library, it is likely also in
MPICH, so you might try to reproduce this in MPICH. You can also try to
run with Open-MPI. If you see a problem in both Intel MPI/MPICH and
Open-MPI, it is almost certainly incorrect usage.
On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 11:30 PM, Siva Srinivas Kolukula <
Post by Siva Srinivas Kolukula
I want to scatter matrix from root to other processors using scatterv. I
am creating a communicator topology using *mpi_cart_create*. As an
USE mpi
integer, PARAMETER :: m = 4, n = 4
integer, DIMENSION(m,n) :: a, b,h
integer :: i,j,count
integer,allocatable, dimension(:,:):: loc ! local piece of global 2d array
INTEGER :: istatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),ierr
integer, dimension(2) :: sizes, subsizes, starts
INTEGER :: ista,iend,jsta,jend,ilen,jlen
INTEGER :: iprocs, jprocs, nprocs
integer,allocatable,dimension(:):: rcounts, displs
INTEGER :: rcounts0,displs0
integer, PARAMETER :: ROOT = 0
integer :: dims(2),coords(2)
logical :: periods(2)
data periods/2*.false./
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer :: comm2d,source,myrank
integer :: newtype, resizedtype
integer :: comsize,charsize
integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: extent, begin
! Get a new communicator for a decomposition of the domain.
dims(1) = 0
dims(2) = 0
CALL MPI_DIMS_CREATE(nprocs,2,dims,ierr)
if (myrank.EQ.Root) then
print *,nprocs,'processors have been arranged into',dims(1),'X',dims(2),'grid'
CALL MPI_CART_CREATE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,2,dims,periods,.true., &
! Get my position in this communicator
CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(comm2d,myrank,ierr)
! Get the decomposition
CALL fnd2ddecomp(comm2d,m,n,ista,iend,jsta,jend)
! print *,ista,jsta,iend,jend
ilen = iend - ista + 1
jlen = jend - jsta + 1
CALL MPI_Cart_get(comm2d,2,dims,periods,coords,ierr)
iprocs = dims(1)
jprocs = dims(2)
! define the global matrix
if (myrank==ROOT) then
count = 0
do j = 1,n
do i = 1,m
a(i,j) = count
count = count+1
print *, 'global matrix is: '
do 90 i=1,m
do 80 j = 1,n
70 format(2x,I5,$)
80 continue
print *, ' '
90 continue
call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
starts = [0,0]
sizes = [m, n]
subsizes = [ilen, jlen]
call MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, sizes, subsizes, starts, &
newtype, ierr)
call MPI_Type_size(MPI_INTEGER, charsize, ierr)
begin = 0
extent = charsize
call MPI_Type_create_resized(newtype, begin, extent, resizedtype, ierr)
call MPI_Type_commit(resizedtype, ierr)
! get counts and displacmeents
rcounts0 = 1
displs0 = (ista-1) + (jsta-1)*m
CALL MPI_Allgather(rcounts0,1,MPI_INT,rcounts,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR)
CALL MPI_Allgather(displs0,1,MPI_INT,displs,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR)
! scatter data
call MPI_Scatterv(a,rcounts,displs,resizedtype, &
loc,ilen*jlen,MPI_INTEGER, &
! print each processor matrix
do source = 0,nprocs-1
if (myrank.eq.source) then
print *,'myrank:',source
do i=1,ilen
do j = 1,jlen
701 format(2x,I5,$)
print *, ' '
call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_Type_free(newtype,ierr)
call MPI_Type_free(resizedtype,ierr)
subroutine fnd2ddecomp(comm2d,m,n,ista,iend,jsta,jend)
integer comm2d
integer m,n,ista,jsta,iend,jend
integer dims(2),coords(2),ierr
logical periods(2)
! Get (i,j) position of a processor from Cartesian topology.
CALL MPI_Cart_get(comm2d,2,dims,periods,coords,ierr)
! Decomposition in first (ie. X) direction
CALL MPE_DECOMP1D(m,dims(1),coords(1),ista,iend)
! Decomposition in second (ie. Y) direction
CALL MPE_DECOMP1D(n,dims(2),coords(2),jsta,jend)
end subroutine fnd2ddecomp
SUBROUTINE MPE_DECOMP1D(n,numprocs,myid,s,e)
integer n,numprocs,myid,s,e,nlocal,deficit
nlocal = n / numprocs
s = myid * nlocal + 1
deficit = mod(n,numprocs)
s = s + min(myid,deficit)
! Give one more slice to processors
if (myid .lt. deficit) then
nlocal = nlocal + 1
e = s + nlocal - 1
if (e .gt. n .or. myid .eq. numprocs-1) e = n
end subroutine MPE_DECOMP1D
END program SendRecv
I am generating a 4x4 matrix, and using scatterv I am sending the blocks
of matrices to other processors. Code works fine for 4,2 and 16 processors.
But throws a error for three processors. What modifications I have to do
make it work for any number of given processors.
[ 0 4 8 12
1 5 9 13
2 6 10 14
3 7 11 15 ]
For 4 processors each processors gets.
Rank =0 : [0 4
1 5]
Rank =1 : [8 12
9 13]
Rank =2 : [2 6
3 7]
Rank =3 : [10 14
11 15]
Code works for 4, 2 and 16 processors; in fact it works when sub-arrays
are of similar size. It fails for 3 processors. For 3 processors I am
Rank =0 : [0 4 8 12
1 5 9 13]
Rank =1 : [2 6 10 14]
Rank =2 : [3 7 11 15]
But I am getting the following error. Where I am missing? what
modifications I have to make to make it work.
PMPI_Scatterv(671)................: MPI_Scatterv(sbuf=0x6b58c0, scnts=0xf95d90, displs=0xfafbe0, dtype=USER<resized>, rbuf=0xfafc00, rcount=4, MPI_INTEGER, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
I_MPIR_Scatterv_intra(278)........: Failure during collective
MPIDI_CH3U_Receive_data_found(131): Message from rank 0 and tag 6 truncated; 32 bytes received but buffer size is 16
PMPI_Scatterv(671)................: MPI_Scatterv(sbuf=0x6b58c0, scnts=0x240bda0, displs=0x240be60, dtype=USER<resized>, rbuf=0x240be80, rcount=4, MPI_INTEGER, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
I_MPIR_Scatterv_intra(278)........: Failure during collective
MPIDI_CH3U_Receive_data_found(131): Message from rank 0 and tag 6 truncated; 32 bytes received but buffer size is 16
forrtl: error (69): process interrupted (SIGINT)
Image PC Routine Line Source
a.out 0000000000479165 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 0000000000476D87 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000044B7C4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000044B5D6 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000042DB76 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 00000000004053DE Unknown Unknown Unknown
libpthread.so.0 00007F2327456790 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 00007F2326EFE2F7 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B899E8 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327C94E39 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327C94B32 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6E44A Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6DD5D Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6DBDC Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6DB0C Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6F932 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpifort.so.12 00007F2328294B1C Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000040488B Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000040385E Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 00007F2326E4DD5D Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 0000000000403769 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Earth-22-june.gif (7996 bytes)]
Siva Srinivas Kolukula, PhD
*Scientist - B*
Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC)
Advisory Services and Satellite Oceanography Group (ASG)
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
"Ocean Valley"
Pragathi Nagar (B.O)
Nizampet (S.O)
Hyderabad - 500 090
Telangana, INDIA
Office: 040 23886124 <040%202388%206124>
*Cell: +91 9381403232 <093814%2003232>; +91 8977801947 <089778%2001947>*
users mailing list
Jeff Hammond
users mailing list
Gilles Gouaillardet
2017-05-16 04:36:10 UTC

if you run this under a debugger and look at how MPI_Scatterv is
invoked, you will find that

- sendcounts = {1, 1, 1}
- resizedtype has size 32
- recvcount*sizeof(MPI_INTEGER) = 32 on task 0, but 16 on task 1 and 2

=> too much data is sent to tasks 1 and 2, hence the error.

in this case (3 MPI tasks), my best bet is
- sendcounts should be {2, 1, 1}
- resizedtype should be a row (e.g. 16 bytes)
- recvcount is fine (e.g. 8,4,4)

since the program fails on both MPICH and OpenMPI, the error is most
likely in the program itself

Best regards,

Post by Siva Srinivas Kolukula
I want to scatter matrix from root to other processors using scatterv.
I am creating a communicator topology using /mpi_cart_create/. As an
|PROGRAM SendRecv USE mpi IMPLICIT none integer, PARAMETER :: m = 4, n
= 4 integer, DIMENSION(m,n) :: a, b,h integer :: i,j,count
integer,allocatable, dimension(:,:):: loc ! local piece of global 2d
array INTEGER :: istatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),ierr integer, dimension(2)
:: sizes, subsizes, starts INTEGER :: ista,iend,jsta,jend,ilen,jlen
rcounts, displs INTEGER :: rcounts0,displs0 integer, PARAMETER :: ROOT
= 0 integer :: dims(2),coords(2) logical :: periods(2) data
comsize,charsize integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: extent, begin CALL
MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myrank, ierr) ! Get a new communicator
for a decomposition of the domain. dims(1) = 0 dims(2) = 0 CALL
MPI_DIMS_CREATE(nprocs,2,dims,ierr) if (myrank.EQ.Root) then print
*,nprocs,'processors have been arranged
into',dims(1),'X',dims(2),'grid' endif CALL
MPI_CART_CREATE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,2,dims,periods,.true., & comm2d,ierr) !
Get my position in this communicator CALL
MPI_COMM_RANK(comm2d,myrank,ierr) ! Get the decomposition CALL
fnd2ddecomp(comm2d,m,n,ista,iend,jsta,jend) ! print
*,ista,jsta,iend,jend ilen = iend - ista + 1 jlen = jend - jsta + 1
CALL MPI_Cart_get(comm2d,2,dims,periods,coords,ierr) iprocs = dims(1)
jprocs = dims(2) ! define the global matrix if (myrank==ROOT) then
count = 0 do j = 1,n do i = 1,m a(i,j) = count count = count+1 enddo
enddo print *, 'global matrix is: ' do 90 i=1,m do 80 j = 1,n
write(*,70)a(i,j) 70 format(2x,I5,$) 80 continue print *, ' ' 90
continue endif call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) starts = [0,0]
sizes = [m, n] subsizes = [ilen, jlen] call
MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, sizes, subsizes, starts, &
MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN, MPI_INTEGER, & newtype, ierr) call
MPI_Type_size(MPI_INTEGER, charsize, ierr) begin = 0 extent = charsize
call MPI_Type_create_resized(newtype, begin, extent, resizedtype,
ierr) call MPI_Type_commit(resizedtype, ierr) ! get counts and
displacmeents allocate(rcounts(nprocs),displs(nprocs)) rcounts0 = 1
displs0 = (ista-1) + (jsta-1)*m CALL
CALL MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) ! scatter data
allocate(loc(ilen,jlen)) call
MPI_Scatterv(a,rcounts,displs,resizedtype, &
loc,ilen*jlen,MPI_INTEGER, & ROOT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) ! print each
processor matrix do source = 0,nprocs-1 if (myrank.eq.source) then
print *,'myrank:',source do i=1,ilen do j = 1,jlen
write(*,701)loc(i,j) 701 format(2x,I5,$) enddo print *, ' ' enddo
endif call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) enddo call
MPI_Type_free(newtype,ierr) call MPI_Type_free(resizedtype,ierr)
deallocate(rcounts,displs) deallocate(loc) CALL MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)
contains subroutine fnd2ddecomp(comm2d,m,n,ista,iend,jsta,jend)
integer comm2d integer m,n,ista,jsta,iend,jend integer
dims(2),coords(2),ierr logical periods(2) ! Get (i,j) position of a
processor from Cartesian topology. CALL
MPI_Cart_get(comm2d,2,dims,periods,coords,ierr) ! Decomposition in
first (ie. X) direction CALL
MPE_DECOMP1D(m,dims(1),coords(1),ista,iend) ! Decomposition in second
(ie. Y) direction CALL MPE_DECOMP1D(n,dims(2),coords(2),jsta,jend) end
subroutine fnd2ddecomp SUBROUTINE MPE_DECOMP1D(n,numprocs,myid,s,e)
integer n,numprocs,myid,s,e,nlocal,deficit nlocal = n / numprocs s =
myid * nlocal + 1 deficit = mod(n,numprocs) s = s + min(myid,deficit)
! Give one more slice to processors if (myid .lt. deficit) then nlocal
= nlocal + 1 endif e = s + nlocal - 1 if (e .gt. n .or. myid .eq.
numprocs-1) e = n end subroutine MPE_DECOMP1D END program SendRecv |
I am generating a 4x4 matrix, and using scatterv I am sending the
blocks of matrices to other processors. Code works fine for 4,2 and 16
processors. But throws a error for three processors. What
modifications I have to do make it work for any number of given
|[ 0 4 8 12 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 ] |
For 4 processors each processors gets.
|Rank =0 : [0 4 1 5] Rank =1 : [8 12 9 13] Rank =2 : [2 6 3 7] Rank =3
: [10 14 11 15] |
Code works for 4, 2 and 16 processors; in fact it works when
sub-arrays are of similar size. It fails for 3 processors. For 3
|Rank =0 : [0 4 8 12 1 5 9 13] Rank =1 : [2 6 10 14] Rank =2 : [3 7 11
15] |
But I am getting the following error. Where I am missing? what
modifications I have to make to make it work.
PMPI_Scatterv(671)................: MPI_Scatterv(sbuf=0x6b58c0,
scnts=0xf95d90, displs=0xfafbe0, dtype=USER<resized>, rbuf=0xfafc00,
rcount=4, MPI_INTEGER, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
I_MPIR_Scatterv_intra(278)........: Failure during collective
MPIDI_CH3U_Receive_data_found(131): Message from rank 0 and tag 6
truncated; 32 bytes received but buffer size is 16 Fatal error in
PMPI_Scatterv(671)................: MPI_Scatterv(sbuf=0x6b58c0,
scnts=0x240bda0, displs=0x240be60, dtype=USER<resized>,
rbuf=0x240be80, rcount=4, MPI_INTEGER, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
I_MPIR_Scatterv_intra(278)........: Failure during collective
MPIDI_CH3U_Receive_data_found(131): Message from rank 0 and tag 6
process interrupted (SIGINT) Image PC Routine Line Source a.out
0000000000479165 Unknown Unknown Unknown a.out 0000000000476D87
Unknown Unknown Unknown a.out 000000000044B7C4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000000044B5D6 Unknown Unknown Unknown a.out 000000000042DB76
Unknown Unknown Unknown a.out 00000000004053DE Unknown Unknown Unknown
libpthread.so.0 00007F2327456790 Unknown Unknown Unknown libc.so.6
00007F2326EFE2F7 Unknown Unknown Unknown libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B899E8
Unknown Unknown Unknown libmpi.so.12 00007F2327C94E39 Unknown Unknown
Unknown libmpi.so.12 00007F2327C94B32 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6E44A Unknown Unknown Unknown libmpi.so.12
00007F2327B6DD5D Unknown Unknown Unknown libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6DBDC
Unknown Unknown Unknown libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6DB0C Unknown Unknown
Unknown libmpi.so.12 00007F2327B6F932 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libmpifort.so.12 00007F2328294B1C Unknown Unknown Unknown a.out
000000000040488B Unknown Unknown Unknown a.out 000000000040385E
Unknown Unknown Unknown libc.so.6 00007F2326E4DD5D Unknown Unknown
Unknown a.out 0000000000403769 Unknown Unknown Unknown|
*Earth-22-june.gif (7996 bytes)
Siva Srinivas Kolukula, PhD
*Scientist - B*
Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC)
Advisory Services and Satellite Oceanography Group (ASG)
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
"Ocean Valley"
Pragathi Nagar (B.O)
Nizampet (S.O)
Hyderabad - 500 090
Telangana, INDIA
Office: 040 23886124
*Cell: +91 9381403232; +91 8977801947*
users mailing list