[OMPI users] OpenMPI + custom glibc, a mini HOWTO
2018-05-22 13:20:16 UTC
Hi, all

I have gone through some sweat to compile OpenMPI against a custom
(non-native) glibc. The reason I need this is that GCC can use the
vectorized libm, which came in glibc 2.22. And of course no HPC OS ships
with v2.22 - they are all behind a few years!

While using a custom Glibc for a single user program is doable, having a
working OpenMPI environment posed a challenge. I have attached a PDF
with a short description of the procedure, in case someone finds it
useful as well. I'd appreciate comments / suggestions as to what can be
done better, and what I might have overlooked. The subject is tricky,
and I might well have missed something.


