[OMPI users] MPI_Ialltoallv
Stanfield, Clyde
2018-07-06 14:08:55 UTC
We are using MPI_Ialltoallv for an image processing algorithm. When doing this we pass in an MPI_Type_contiguous with an MPI_Datatype of MPI_C_FLOAT_COMPLEX which ends up being the size of multiple rows of the image (based on the number of nodes used for distribution). In addition sendcounts, sdispls, resvcounts, and rdispls all fit within a signed int. Usually this works without any issues, but when we lower our number of nodes we sometimes see failures.

What we found is that even though we can fit everything into signed ints, line 528 of nbc_internal.h ends up calling a malloc with an int that appears to be the size of the (num_distributed_rows * num_columns * sizeof(std::complex<float>)) which in very large cases wraps back to negative. As a result we end up seeing "Error in malloc()" (line 530 of nbc_internal.h) throughout our output.

We can get around this issue by ensuring the sum of our contiguous type never exceeds 2GB. However, this was unexpected to us as our understanding was that all long as we can fit all the parts into signed ints we should be able to transfer more than 2GB at a time. Is it intended that MPI_Ialltoallv requires your underlying data to be less than 2GB or is this in error in how malloc is being called (should be called with a size_t instead of an int)?

Clyde Stanfield

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Clyde Stanfield
Software Engineer
734-480-5100 office<tel://734-480-5100>

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Nathan Hjelm via users
2018-07-06 14:56:45 UTC
No, thats a bug. Please open an issue on github and we will fix it shortly.

Thanks for reporting this issue.

Post by Stanfield, Clyde
We are using MPI_Ialltoallv for an image processing algorithm. When doing this we pass in an MPI_Type_contiguous with an MPI_Datatype of MPI_C_FLOAT_COMPLEX which ends up being the size of multiple rows of the image (based on the number of nodes used for distribution). In addition sendcounts, sdispls, resvcounts, and rdispls all fit within a signed int. Usually this works without any issues, but when we lower our number of nodes we sometimes see failures.
What we found is that even though we can fit everything into signed ints, line 528 of nbc_internal.h ends up calling a malloc with an int that appears to be the size of the (num_distributed_rows * num_columns * sizeof(std::complex<float>)) which in very large cases wraps back to negative. As a result we end up seeing “Error in malloc()” (line 530 of nbc_internal.h) throughout our output.
We can get around this issue by ensuring the sum of our contiguous type never exceeds 2GB. However, this was unexpected to us as our understanding was that all long as we can fit all the parts into signed ints we should be able to transfer more than 2GB at a time. Is it intended that MPI_Ialltoallv requires your underlying data to be less than 2GB or is this in error in how malloc is being called (should be called with a size_t instead of an int)?
Clyde Stanfield
Clyde Stanfield
Software Engineer
734-480-5100 office
<image002.png> <image003.png>
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Stanfield, Clyde
2018-07-06 15:20:26 UTC
Thanks for the quick feedback. I opened an issue here:

Clyde Stanfield 
Software Engineer 
734-480-5100 office 


-----Original Message-----
From: users [mailto:users-***@lists.open-mpi.org] On Behalf Of Nathan Hjelm via users
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2018 10:57 AM
To: Open MPI Users <***@lists.open-mpi.org>
Cc: Nathan Hjelm <***@me.com>
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] MPI_Ialltoallv

No, thats a bug. Please open an issue on github and we will fix it shortly.

Thanks for reporting this issue.

Post by Stanfield, Clyde
We are using MPI_Ialltoallv for an image processing algorithm. When doing this we pass in an MPI_Type_contiguous with an MPI_Datatype of MPI_C_FLOAT_COMPLEX which ends up being the size of multiple rows of the image (based on the number of nodes used for distribution). In addition sendcounts, sdispls, resvcounts, and rdispls all fit within a signed int. Usually this works without any issues, but when we lower our number of nodes we sometimes see failures.
What we found is that even though we can fit everything into signed ints, line 528 of nbc_internal.h ends up calling a malloc with an int that appears to be the size of the (num_distributed_rows * num_columns * sizeof(std::complex<float>)) which in very large cases wraps back to negative. As a result we end up seeing “Error in malloc()” (line 530 of nbc_internal.h) throughout our output.
We can get around this issue by ensuring the sum of our contiguous type never exceeds 2GB. However, this was unexpected to us as our understanding was that all long as we can fit all the parts into signed ints we should be able to transfer more than 2GB at a time. Is it intended that MPI_Ialltoallv requires your underlying data to be less than 2GB or is this in error in how malloc is being called (should be called with a size_t instead of an int)?
Clyde Stanfield
Clyde Stanfield
Software Engineer
734-480-5100 office
<image002.png> <image003.png>
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users mailing list
Gilles Gouaillardet
2018-07-06 15:15:38 UTC

thanks for reporting the issue.

Can you please give the attached patch a try ?



FWIW, the nbc module was not initially specific to Open MPI, and hence used
standard MPI subroutines.
In this case, we can avoid the issue by calling internal Open MPI
This is an intermediate patch, since similar issues might potentially occur
in other places

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 11:12 PM Stanfield, Clyde <
Post by Stanfield, Clyde
We are using MPI_Ialltoallv for an image processing algorithm. When doing
this we pass in an MPI_Type_contiguous with an MPI_Datatype of
MPI_C_FLOAT_COMPLEX which ends up being the size of multiple rows of the
image (based on the number of nodes used for distribution). In addition
sendcounts, sdispls, resvcounts, and rdispls all fit within a signed int.
Usually this works without any issues, but when we lower our number of
nodes we sometimes see failures.
What we found is that even though we can fit everything into signed ints,
line 528 of nbc_internal.h ends up calling a malloc with an int that
appears to be the size of the (num_distributed_rows * num_columns *
sizeof(std::complex<float>)) which in very large cases wraps back to
negative. As a result we end up seeing “Error in malloc()” (line 530 of
nbc_internal.h) throughout our output.
We can get around this issue by ensuring the sum of our contiguous type
never exceeds 2GB. However, this was unexpected to us as our understanding
was that all long as we can fit all the parts into signed ints we should be
able to transfer more than 2GB at a time. Is it intended that
MPI_Ialltoallv requires your underlying data to be less than 2GB or is this
in error in how malloc is being called (should be called with a size_t
instead of an int)?
Clyde Stanfield
*Clyde Stanfield*
Software Engineer
734-480-5100 office <//734-480-5100>
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intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above, and may be
legally privileged. If the reader of this message is not the intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or
copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received
this communication in error, please re-send this communication to the
sender and delete the original message or any copy of it from your computer
users mailing list
Stanfield, Clyde
2018-07-09 15:34:35 UTC

I rebuilt MPI with the attached patch and can verify that it appears to have fixed the issue I originally reported.


Clyde Stanfield
Software Engineer
734-480-5100 office<tel://734-480-5100>

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From: users [mailto:users-***@lists.open-mpi.org] On Behalf Of Gilles Gouaillardet
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2018 11:16 AM
To: Open MPI Users <***@lists.open-mpi.org>
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] MPI_Ialltoallv


thanks for reporting the issue.

Can you please give the attached patch a try ?



FWIW, the nbc module was not initially specific to Open MPI, and hence used standard MPI subroutines.
In this case, we can avoid the issue by calling internal Open MPI subroutines.
This is an intermediate patch, since similar issues might potentially occur in other places

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 11:12 PM Stanfield, Clyde <***@radiantsolutions.com<mailto:***@radiantsolutions.com>> wrote:
We are using MPI_Ialltoallv for an image processing algorithm. When doing this we pass in an MPI_Type_contiguous with an MPI_Datatype of MPI_C_FLOAT_COMPLEX which ends up being the size of multiple rows of the image (based on the number of nodes used for distribution). In addition sendcounts, sdispls, resvcounts, and rdispls all fit within a signed int. Usually this works without any issues, but when we lower our number of nodes we sometimes see failures.

What we found is that even though we can fit everything into signed ints, line 528 of nbc_internal.h ends up calling a malloc with an int that appears to be the size of the (num_distributed_rows * num_columns * sizeof(std::complex<float>)) which in very large cases wraps back to negative. As a result we end up seeing “Error in malloc()” (line 530 of nbc_internal.h) throughout our output.

We can get around this issue by ensuring the sum of our contiguous type never exceeds 2GB. However, this was unexpected to us as our understanding was that all long as we can fit all the parts into signed ints we should be able to transfer more than 2GB at a time. Is it intended that MPI_Ialltoallv requires your underlying data to be less than 2GB or is this in error in how malloc is being called (should be called with a size_t instead of an int)?

Clyde Stanfield


Clyde Stanfield
Software Engineer
734-480-5100 office<tel://734-480-5100>

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