[OMPI users] ARM/Allinea DDT
Charles A Taylor
2018-04-11 18:54:16 UTC
Contacting ARM seems a bit difficult so I thought I would ask here. We rely on DDT for debugging but it doesn’t work with OpenMPI 3.x and I can’t find anything about them having plans to support it.

Anyone know if ARM DDT has plans to support newer versions of OpenMPI?

Charlie Taylor
UF Research Computing
2018-04-11 19:15:25 UTC
You probably should provide a little more info here. I know the MPIR attach was broken in the v2.x series, but we fixed that - could be something remains broken in OMPI 3.x.

FWIW: I doubt it's an Allinea problem.
Post by Charles A Taylor
Contacting ARM seems a bit difficult so I thought I would ask here. We rely on DDT for debugging but it doesn’t work with OpenMPI 3.x and I can’t find anything about them having plans to support it.
Anyone know if ARM DDT has plans to support newer versions of OpenMPI?
Charlie Taylor
UF Research Computing
users mailing list
Charles A Taylor
2018-04-12 10:35:22 UTC
Understood. But since the OpenMPI versions in question are not listed as supported on the ARM/Allinea product page, I thought I’d ask if it is _supposed_ to work before bothering folks with details.

In the meantime, ARM/Allinea has responded so I’ll provide them with the details. But, in short, DDT can’t seem to attach to the 3.0 processes/ranks and just hangs trying. Using the same code, that doesn’t happen with OpenMPI 1.10.2 nor IntelMPI 5.1.1. This is under RHEL 7.4 and launching with srun under SLURM 16.05.11 (for those who want to know).

Thanks for the replies,

Post by r***@open-mpi.org
You probably should provide a little more info here. I know the MPIR attach was broken in the v2.x series, but we fixed that - could be something remains broken in OMPI 3.x.
FWIW: I doubt it's an Allinea problem.
Post by Charles A Taylor
Contacting ARM seems a bit difficult so I thought I would ask here. We rely on DDT for debugging but it doesn’t work with OpenMPI 3.x and I can’t find anything about them having plans to support it.
Anyone know if ARM DDT has plans to support newer versions of OpenMPI?
Charlie Taylor
UF Research Computing
users mailing list
users mailing list
2018-04-11 20:40:25 UTC
This inadvertently was sent directly to me, and Ryan asked if I could please post it on his behalf - he needs to get fully approved on the mailing list.

Hello Charlie Taylor,
I have replied to your support ticket indicating that we do not claim to fully support OpenMPI 3.0, since we are still running tests ourselves to ensure everything works smoothly with DDT.
However, we will work with you to help identify the problems you are encountering, and to determine whether or not anything can be done at this time.
Please provide more detailed information in the support ticket you have open with us so that we can be of further assistance.
Ryan Hulguin
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Charles A Taylor
2018-04-16 20:14:04 UTC
From off-list communications with ARM/Allinea I learned that they do intend to support OpenMPI 3.x and that using “OpenMPI (Compatibility)” for the implementation mode, applications built with OpenMPI 3.0.0 can be debugged successfully (in my case at least) with Forge/DDT 7.0.4.

Thanks to those who replied,

Post by Charles A Taylor
Contacting ARM seems a bit difficult so I thought I would ask here. We rely on DDT for debugging but it doesn’t work with OpenMPI 3.x and I can’t find anything about them having plans to support it.
Anyone know if ARM DDT has plans to support newer versions of OpenMPI?
Charlie Taylor
UF Research Computing
users mailing list