[OMPI users] Infiniband driver update must recompile openmpi?
Kaiming Ouyang
2018-05-30 02:30:20 UTC
Hi All,
I have a question about recompiling openmpi.
Recently I updated the infiniband driver for network card Mellanox, but I
found original openmpi did not work anymore. Does this mean the driver
update must be followed by recompiling openmpi? Or there are some other
issues I should consider? Thank you very much.

Kaiming Ouyang, Research Assistant.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, Riverside
900 University Avenue, Riverside, CA 92521
Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)
2018-05-30 13:03:45 UTC
Post by Kaiming Ouyang
I have a question about recompiling openmpi.
Recently I updated the infiniband driver for network card Mellanox, but I found original openmpi did not work anymore. Does this mean the driver update must be followed by recompiling openmpi? Or there are some other issues I should consider? Thank you very much.
Unfortunately, this is not enough information -- we need to see the exact error messages, precise descriptions of the environment in which you are running, what types of runs work and what types of runs fail, ...etc. Saying "it doesn't work" simply isn't enough to provide even a guess as to what is wrong in your environment.


Sending the information listed at the web page below is typically a good place to start:

Jeff Squyres