[OMPI users] openmpi and mpi4py compatibility
Mahdi, Sam
2016-10-05 19:29:28 UTC
Hi everyone,

I had a quick question regarding the compatibility of openmpi and mpi4py. I
have openmpi 1.7.3 and mpi4py 1.3.1. I know these are older versions of
each, but I was having some problems running a program that uses mpi4py and
openmpi, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't a compatibility issue between
the 2 versions of these programs.

Jason Maldonis
2016-10-05 19:51:04 UTC
Hi Sam,

I am not a developer but I am using mpi4py with openmpi-1.10.2. For that
version, most of the functionality works, but I think there are some issues
with the mpi_spawn commands. Are you using the spawn commands?

I have no experience with the versions you are using, but I thought I'd
chime in just in case you ran into a similar issue as me.


Jason Maldonis
Research Assistant of Professor Paul Voyles
Materials Science Grad Student
University of Wisconsin, Madison
1509 University Ave, Rm 202
Madison, WI 53706
Post by Mahdi, Sam
Hi everyone,
I had a quick question regarding the compatibility of openmpi and mpi4py.
I have openmpi 1.7.3 and mpi4py 1.3.1. I know these are older versions of
each, but I was having some problems running a program that uses mpi4py and
openmpi, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't a compatibility issue between
the 2 versions of these programs.
users mailing list
Lisandro Dalcin
2016-10-05 20:24:33 UTC
Post by Mahdi, Sam
Hi everyone,
I had a quick question regarding the compatibility of openmpi and mpi4py.
I have openmpi 1.7.3 and mpi4py 1.3.1. I know these are older versions of
each, but I was having some problems running a program that uses mpi4py and
openmpi, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't a compatibility issue between
the 2 versions of these programs.
Hi, I'm the author of mpi4py. Could you elaborate on the issues you
experienced? I would start by disabling MPI_Init_threads() from mpi4py, for
you have to add the following code:

import mpi4py.rc
mpi4py.rc.threaded = False
from mpi4py import MPI

But you have to do it at the VERY BEGINNING of your code, more precisely,
the two first lines should be used before any attempt to "from mpi4py
import MPI".

PS: Any chance you can use a newer version of mpi4py, maybe even a git
checkout of the master branch?
Lisandro Dalcin
Research Scientist
Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering (CEMSE)
Extreme Computing Research Center (ECRC)
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)

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