[OMPI users] Open MPI SC'16 BOF slides
Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)
2016-11-18 20:01:35 UTC
Thanks to all who attended the Open MPI State of the Union X BOF at SC'16 the other night.

I have posted the slides here:


We have an open question for the community: is it worth it to do a limited-feature-but-backwards-compatible v2.2.x series, or should we move straight into the richer-feature-but-not-backwards-compatible v3.x series? Please see slides 27-30 for a pictorial representation of what we're asking.

You can register your opinion here:


There's pros and cons to doing a v2.2.x release series. Slide 29 sums it up well:


To help make this decision, attendees at the BOF asked the dev community to provide two lists:

1. Features that we anticipate we could port to a v2.2.x release
2. Features that we anticipate would be too difficult to port to a v2.2.x release

It will take us a few days to put together these two lists (note: SC'16 this week and the US Thanksgiving holiday next week will likely cause a few delays -- bear with us!). If you want to wait to see these lists before voting / indicating your preference, no problem.

Jeff Squyres
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