[OMPI users] OMPI users] mpirun --map-by-node
Gilles Gouaillardet
2016-11-04 12:58:58 UTC
As long as you run 3 MPI tasks, both options will produce the same mapping.
If you want to run up to 12 tasks, then --map-by node is the way to go
Thanks for responding me.
i have solved that as below by limiting slots in hostfile
I want the difference between the slots limiting in myhostfile and runnig --map-by node.
I am awaiting for your reply.
My apologies - the problem is that you list the option _after_ your executable name, and so we think it is an argument for your executable. You need to list the option _before_ your executable on the cmd line
Thanks for reply,
But,with space also not running on one process one each node
If use like this it,s working fine(running one process on each node)
But,i want use hostfile only..
kindly help me.....
you mistyped the option - it is “--map-by node”. Note the space between “by” and “node” - you had typed it with a “-“ instead of a “space”
Hi all,
I am using openmpi-1.10.3,using quad core processor(node).
I am running 3 processes on three nodes(provided by hostfile) each node process is limited  by --map-by-node as below
Problem is 3 process running on one node.it's not mapping one process by node.
is there any library used to run like above.if yes please tell me that .
Kindly help me where am doing wrong...
Mahesh N
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