[OMPI users] Memory leak with pmix_finalize not being called
Saurabh T
2018-05-04 12:20:48 UTC
This is with valgrind 3.0.1 on a Centos 6 system. It appears pmix_finalize isnt called and this reports leaks from valgrind despite the provided suppression file being used. A cursory check reveals MPI_Finalize calls pmix_rte_finalize which decrements pmix_initialized to 0 before calling pmix_cleanup. pmix_cleanup sees the variable is 0 and does not call pmix_finalize. See https://github.com/pmix/pmix/blob/master/src/runtime/pmix_finalize.c. Is this a bug or something I am doing wrong? Thank you.
2018-05-04 13:20:42 UTC
Ouch - trivial fix. I’m inserting it into PMIx and will provide it to the OMPI team
Post by Saurabh T
This is with valgrind 3.0.1 on a Centos 6 system. It appears pmix_finalize isnt called and this reports leaks from valgrind despite the provided suppression file being used. A cursory check reveals MPI_Finalize calls pmix_rte_finalize which decrements pmix_initialized to 0 before calling pmix_cleanup. pmix_cleanup sees the variable is 0 and does not call pmix_finalize. See https://github.com/pmix/pmix/blob/master/src/runtime/pmix_finalize.c. Is this a bug or something I am doing wrong? Thank you.
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