[OMPI users] OMPI sendrecv bugs?
Kaiming Ouyang
2018-04-13 04:51:56 UTC
Hi all,
I am trying to test the bandwidth of intra-MPI send and recv. The code is
attached here. When I give the input 2048 (namely each process will send
and receive 2GB data), the program reported:
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 95
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 98
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 98
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 98

Does this mean Openmpi does not support the send and recv where data size
is larger than 2GB, or is there a bug in my code? Thank you.
Gilles Gouaillardet
2018-04-13 05:06:41 UTC
Which version of Open MPI are you running ?
This reminds me of a bug in CMA that has already been fixed.

can you try again with

mpirun --mca btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism none ...


Post by Kaiming Ouyang
Hi all,
I am trying to test the bandwidth of intra-MPI send and recv. The code is
attached here. When I give the input 2048 (namely each process will send and
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 95
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 98
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 98
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 98
Does this mean Openmpi does not support the send and recv where data size is
larger than 2GB, or is there a bug in my code? Thank you.
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Kaiming Ouyang
2018-04-13 07:46:36 UTC
Hi Gilles,
Thank you for your reply. I am using Openmpi 3.0.0.
I tried the command you recommend, and it works right now. Perhaps this bug
is still there?

On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 10:06 PM, Gilles Gouaillardet <
Post by Gilles Gouaillardet
Which version of Open MPI are you running ?
This reminds me of a bug in CMA that has already been fixed.
can you try again with
mpirun --mca btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism none ...
Post by Kaiming Ouyang
Hi all,
I am trying to test the bandwidth of intra-MPI send and recv. The code is
attached here. When I give the input 2048 (namely each process will send
Post by Kaiming Ouyang
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 95
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 98
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 98
Read 2147479552, expected 2147483648, errno = 98
Does this mean Openmpi does not support the send and recv where data
size is
Post by Kaiming Ouyang
larger than 2GB, or is there a bug in my code? Thank you.
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