[OMPI users] --with-mpi-f90-size in openmpi-3.0.2
Zeinab Salah
2018-09-27 04:16:20 UTC
Hi everyone,
I have a problem in running an air quality model, maybe because of the
size of calculations, so I tried different versions of openmpi.
I want to install openmpi-3.0.2 with the option of
"--with-mpi-f90-size=medium", but this option is unrecognized in the new
versions. So, what is the update option for that, or how we can control the
size of the MPI F90 module in the new versions?, also, does this option
make the numerical models to deal with lagre data files?

Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) via users
2018-09-27 14:18:08 UTC
I have a problem in running an air quality model, maybe because of the size of calculations, so I tried different versions of openmpi.
I want to install openmpi-3.0.2 with the option of "--with-mpi-f90-size=medium", but this option is unrecognized in the new versions. So, what is the update option for that, or how we can control the size of the MPI F90 module in the new versions?,
This option did, indeed, disappear in more recent versions of Open MPI.

The short version is that if you have a "modern" gfortran (i.e., >= v4.9) or any other modern fortran compiler, then you will get the full "mpi" module.

The "mpi-f90-size" option was only necessary for older gfortran versions that had limitations that caused us to make the user choose: do you want small, medium, or large?

Meaning: if your gfortran is >= v4.9 or you're using a different fortran compiler, don't worry about this option.
also, does this option make the numerical models to deal with lagre data files?
No; this option only had to do with how many MPI API interfaces were in the "mpi" module (i.e., if your application invokes "use mpi" instead of "include 'mpif.h'"). Even if you chose the "small" size (meaning: many MPI APIs were not listed in the "mpi" module), all the MPI APIs would compile and link and work at run-time just fine. The number of interfaces in the "mpi" module basically just means how much compile-time checking you get when you are compiling your MPI application.

Check out this paper (https://www.open-mpi.org/papers/euro-pvmmpi-2005-fortran/) if you care about the reasons why.
Jeff Squyres
Zeinab Salah
2018-09-27 17:52:13 UTC
Thank you so much for your detailed answers.
I use gfortran 4.8.3, what should I do? or what is the suitable openmpi
version for this version?

Thanks again
Best wishes

‫في الخميس، 27 سؚتمؚر 2018 في 4:21 م تمت كتاؚة ما يلي ؚواسطة ‪Jeff Squyres
Post by Zeinab Salah
Post by Zeinab Salah
I have a problem in running an air quality model, maybe because of the
size of calculations, so I tried different versions of openmpi.
Post by Zeinab Salah
I want to install openmpi-3.0.2 with the option of
"--with-mpi-f90-size=medium", but this option is unrecognized in the new
versions. So, what is the update option for that, or how we can control the
size of the MPI F90 module in the new versions?,
This option did, indeed, disappear in more recent versions of Open MPI.
The short version is that if you have a "modern" gfortran (i.e., >= v4.9)
or any other modern fortran compiler, then you will get the full "mpi"
The "mpi-f90-size" option was only necessary for older gfortran versions
that had limitations that caused us to make the user choose: do you want
small, medium, or large?
Meaning: if your gfortran is >= v4.9 or you're using a different fortran
compiler, don't worry about this option.
Post by Zeinab Salah
also, does this option make the numerical models to deal with lagre data
No; this option only had to do with how many MPI API interfaces were in
the "mpi" module (i.e., if your application invokes "use mpi" instead of
"include 'mpif.h'"). Even if you chose the "small" size (meaning: many MPI
APIs were not listed in the "mpi" module), all the MPI APIs would compile
and link and work at run-time just fine. The number of interfaces in the
"mpi" module basically just means how much compile-time checking you get
when you are compiling your MPI application.
Check out this paper (
https://www.open-mpi.org/papers/euro-pvmmpi-2005-fortran/) if you care
about the reasons why.
Jeff Squyres
users mailing list
Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) via users
2018-09-27 19:16:20 UTC
Post by Zeinab Salah
Thank you so much for your detailed answers.
I use gfortran 4.8.3, what should I do? or what is the suitable openmpi version for this version?
If you build Open MPI v3.1.2 with gfortran 4.8.3, you will automatically get the "old" implementation of the "mpi" module.

I don't recall offhand (because I think we stopped the --with-mpi-f90 option after the v1.6 series), but I think the "mpi" module will be sized "medium" (we took away the ability to pick the size, because the Way Forward is to use a newer compiler).
Jeff Squyres