[OMPI users] Locking down TCP ports used
Adam Sylvester
2018-07-07 13:34:57 UTC
I'm using OpenMPI 2.1.0 on RHEL 7, communicating between ranks via TCP

I have a new cluster to install my application on with tightly-controlled
firewalls. I can have them open up a range of TCP ports which MPI can
communicate over. I thought I could force MPI to stick to a range of ports
via "--mca oob_tcp_static_ports startPort-endPort" but this doesn't seem to
be working; I still seem MPI opening up TCP ports outside of this range to
communicate. I've also seen "--mca oob_tcp_dynamic_ports" on message
boards; I'm not sure what the difference is between these two but this flag
doesn't seem to do what I want either.

Is there a way to lock the TCP port range down? As a general rule of
thumb, if I'm communicating between up to 50 instances on a 10 Gbps network
moving at several painful spots in the chain hundreds of GBs of data
around, how large should I make this port range (i.e. if Open MPI would
normally open a bunch of ports on each machine to improve the network
transfer speed, I don't want to slow it down by allowing it too narrow of a
port range). Just need a rough order of magnitude - 10 ports, 100 ports,
1000 ports?

2018-07-07 14:36:51 UTC
I suspect the OOB is working just fine and you are seeing the TCP/btl opening the other ports. There are two TCP elements at work here: the OOB (which sends management messages between daemons) and the BTL (which handles the MPI traffic). In addition to what you provided, you also need to provide the following params:

btl_tcp_port_range_v4: The number of ports where the TCP BTL will try to bind.
This parameter together with the port min, define a range of ports
where Open MPI will open sockets

btl_tcp_port_min_v4: starting port to use

I can’t answer the question about #ports to open - will have to leave that to someone else
Post by Adam Sylvester
I'm using OpenMPI 2.1.0 on RHEL 7, communicating between ranks via TCP
I have a new cluster to install my application on with tightly-controlled firewalls. I can have them open up a range of TCP ports which MPI can communicate over. I thought I could force MPI to stick to a range of ports via "--mca oob_tcp_static_ports startPort-endPort" but this doesn't seem to be working; I still seem MPI opening up TCP ports outside of this range to communicate. I've also seen "--mca oob_tcp_dynamic_ports" on message boards; I'm not sure what the difference is between these two but this flag doesn't seem to do what I want either.
Is there a way to lock the TCP port range down? As a general rule of thumb, if I'm communicating between up to 50 instances on a 10 Gbps network moving at several painful spots in the chain hundreds of GBs of data around, how large should I make this port range (i.e. if Open MPI would normally open a bunch of ports on each machine to improve the network transfer speed, I don't want to slow it down by allowing it too narrow of a port range). Just need a rough order of magnitude - 10 ports, 100 ports, 1000 ports?
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Adam Sylvester
2018-07-07 14:56:38 UTC
Aha - thanks Ralph! I'll give that a shot.

Post by r***@open-mpi.org
I suspect the OOB is working just fine and you are seeing the TCP/btl
opening the other ports. There are two TCP elements at work here: the OOB
(which sends management messages between daemons) and the BTL (which
handles the MPI traffic). In addition to what you provided, you also need
btl_tcp_port_range_v4: The number of ports where the TCP BTL will try to bind.
This parameter together with the port min, define a range of ports
where Open MPI will open sockets
btl_tcp_port_min_v4: starting port to use
I can’t answer the question about #ports to open - will have to leave that
to someone else
Post by Adam Sylvester
I'm using OpenMPI 2.1.0 on RHEL 7, communicating between ranks via TCP
I have a new cluster to install my application on with
tightly-controlled firewalls. I can have them open up a range of TCP ports
which MPI can communicate over. I thought I could force MPI to stick to a
range of ports via "--mca oob_tcp_static_ports startPort-endPort" but this
doesn't seem to be working; I still seem MPI opening up TCP ports outside
of this range to communicate. I've also seen "--mca oob_tcp_dynamic_ports"
on message boards; I'm not sure what the difference is between these two
but this flag doesn't seem to do what I want either.
Post by Adam Sylvester
Is there a way to lock the TCP port range down? As a general rule of
thumb, if I'm communicating between up to 50 instances on a 10 Gbps network
moving at several painful spots in the chain hundreds of GBs of data
around, how large should I make this port range (i.e. if Open MPI would
normally open a bunch of ports on each machine to improve the network
transfer speed, I don't want to slow it down by allowing it too narrow of a
port range). Just need a rough order of magnitude - 10 ports, 100 ports,
1000 ports?
Post by Adam Sylvester
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