[OMPI users] OMPI users] OMPI users] Installation of openmpi-1.10.7 fails
Gilles Gouaillardet
2018-01-23 13:52:15 UTC
Fair enough,

To be on the safe side, I encourage you to use the latest Intel compilers


I have not tried compiling the latest openmpi with GCC. I am waiting to see how the intel version turns out before attempting GCC.
There used to be a bug in the IOF part, but I am pretty sure this has already been fixed.
Does the issue also occur with GNU compilers ?
There used to be an issue with Intel Fortran runtime (short read/write were silently ignored) and that was also fixed some time ago.
This would work for Quantum Espresso input. I am waiting to see what happens to EPW. I don’t think EPW accepts the -i argument. I will report back once the EPW job is done.
well, my final comment on this topic, as somebody suggested earlier in this email chain, if you provide the input with the -i argument instead of piping from standard input, things seem to work as far as I can see (disclaimer: I do not know what the final outcome should be. I just see that the application does not complain about the 'end of file while reading crystal k points'). So maybe that is the most simple solution.
after some further investigation, I am fairly confident that this is not an MPI I/O problem.
The input file input_tmp.in is generated in this sequence of instructions (which is in Modules/open_close_input_file.f90)
  IF ( TRIM(input_file_) /= ' ' ) THEn      !      ! copy file to be opened into input_file      !      input_file = input_file_      !   ELSE      !      ! if no file specified then copy from standard input      !      input_file="input_tmp.in"      OPEN(UNIT = stdtmp, FILE=trim(input_file), FORM='formatted', &           STATUS='unknown', IOSTAT = ierr )      IF ( ierr > 0 ) GO TO 30      !      dummy=' '      WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Waiting for input..."      DO WHILE ( TRIM(dummy) .NE. "MAGICALME" )         READ (stdin,fmt='(A512)',END=20) dummy         WRITE (stdtmp,'(A)') trim(dummy)      END DO      ! 20   CLOSE ( UNIT=stdtmp, STATUS='keep' )
Basically, if no input file has been provided, the input file is generated by reading from standard input. Since the application is being launched e.g. with
mpirun -np 64 ../bin/pw.x -npool 64 <nscf.in >nscf.out
the data comes from nscf.in. I simply do not know enough about IO forwarding do be able to tell why we do not see the entire file, but one interesting detail is that if I run it in the debugger, the input_tmp.in is created correctly. However, if I run it using mpirun as shown above, the file is cropped incorrectly, which leads to the error message mentioned in this email chain.
Anyway, I would probably need some help here from somebody who knows the runtime better than me on what could go wrong at this point.
Concerning the following error
     from pw_readschemafile : error #         1
     xml data file not found
The nscf run uses files generated by the scf.in run. So I first run scf.in and when it finishes, I run nscf.in. If you have done this and still get the above error, then this could be another bug. It does not happen for me with intel14/openmpi-1.8.8.
Thanks for the update,
 1. I can in fact reproduce your bug on my systems.
  0.66666667  0.50000000  0.83333333  5.787037e-04
  0.66666667  0.50000000  0.91666667  5.787037e-04
  0.66666667  0.58333333  0.00000000  5.787037e-04
  0.66666667  0.58333333  0.08333333  5.787037e-04
  0.66666667  0.58333333  0.16666667  5.787037e-04
  0.66666667  0.58333333  0.25000000  5.787037e-04
  0.66666667  0.58333333  0.33333333  5.787037e-04
  0.66666667  0.58333333  0.41666667  5.787037e-04
  0.66666667  0.58333333  0.50000000  5.787037e-04
  0.66666667  0.58333333  0.58333333  5
which is what I *think* causes the problem.
 3. I tried to find where input_tmp.in is generated, but haven't completely identified the location. However, I could not find MPI file_write(_all) operations anywhere in the code, although there are some MPI_file_read(_all) operations.
 4. I can confirm that the behavior with Open MPI 1.8.x is different. input_tmp.in looks more complete (at least it doesn't end in the middle of the line). The simulation does still not finish for me, but the bug reported is slightly different, I might just be missing a file or something
     from pw_readschemafile : error #         1
     xml data file not found
Since I think input_tmp.in is generated from data that is provided in nscf.in, it might very well be something in the MPI_File_read(_all) operation that causes the issue, but since both ompio and romio are affected, there is good chance that something outside of the control of io components is causing the trouble (maybe a datatype issue that has changed from 1.8.x series to 3.0.x).
 5. Last but not least, I also wanted to mention that I ran all parallel tests that I found in the testsuite  (run-tests-cp-parallel, run-tests-pw-parallel, run-tests-ph-parallel, run-tests-epw-parallel ), and they all passed with ompio (and romio314 although I only ran a subset of the tests with romio314).
Hi Edgar,
Just to let you know that the nscf run with --mca io ompio crashed like the other two runs.
Thank you,
ok, thank you for the information. Two short questions and requests. I have qe-6.2.1 compiled and running on my system (although it is with gcc-6.4 instead of the intel compiler), and I am currently running the parallel test suite. So far, all the tests passed, although it is still running.
My question is now, would it be possible for you to give me access to exactly the same data set that you are using?  You could upload to a webpage or similar and just send me the link. 
The second question/request, could you rerun your tests one more time, this time forcing using ompio? e.g. --mca io ompio
~/bin/openmpi-v3.0/bin/mpiexec -np 64 /home/vaskarpo/bin/qe-6.0_intel14_soc/bin/pw.x -npool 64 < nscf.in > nscf.out
~/bin/openmpi-v3.0/bin/mpiexec --mca io romio314 -np 64 /home/vaskarpo/bin/qe-6.0_intel14_soc/bin/pw.x -npool 64 < nscf.in > nscf.out
And it crashed like the first time. 
K_POINTS (automatic)
12 12 12 0 0 0
K_POINTS (crystal)
  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  5.787037e-04 
  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.08333333  5.787037e-04 
  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.16666667  5.787037e-04 
  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.25000000  5.787037e-04 
  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.33333333  5.787037e-04 
  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.41666667  5.787037e-04 
  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.50000000  5.787037e-04 
  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.58333333  5.787037e-04 
  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.66666667  5.787037e-04 
  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.75000000  5.787037e-04 


To build openmpi (either 1.10.7 or 3.0.x), I loaded the fortran compiler module, configured with only the             “--prefix="  and then “make all install”. I did not enable or disable any other options.
thanks, that is interesting. Since /scratch is a lustre file system, Open MPI should actually utilize romio314 for that anyway, not ompio. What I have seen however happen on at least one occasions is that ompio was still used since ( I suspect) romio314 didn't pick up correctly the configuration options. It is a little bit of a mess from that perspective that we have to pass the romio arguments with different flag/options than for ompio, e.g.
--with-lustre=/path/to/lustre/ --with-io-romio-flags="--with-file-system=ufs+nfs+lustre --with-lustre=/path/to/lustre"
ompio should pick up the lustre options correctly if lustre headers/libraries are found at the default location, even if the user did not pass the --with-lustre option. I am not entirely sure what happens in romio if the user did not pass the --with-file-system=ufs+nfs+lustre but the lustre headers/libraries are found at the default location, i.e. whether the lustre adio component is still compiled or not.
Anyway, lets wait for the outcome of your run enforcing using the romio314 component, and I will still try to reproduce your problem on my system.
My openmpi3.0.x run (called nscf run) was reading data from a routine Quantum Espresso input file edited by hand. The preliminary run (called scf run) was done with openmpi3.0.x on a similar input file also edited by hand.
Gotcha. Well, that's a little disappointing. It would be good to understand why it is crashing -- is the app doing something that is accidentally not standard? Is there a bug in (soon to be released) Open MPI 3.0.1? ...?
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Vahid Askarpour
2018-01-30 19:09:38 UTC
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Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)
2018-01-30 20:41:54 UTC
Did you install one version of Open MPI over another version?

Post by Vahid Askarpour
This is just an update on how things turned out with openmpi-3.0.x.
I compiled both EPW and openmpi with intel14. In the past, EPW crashed for both intel16 and 17. However, with intel14 and openmpi/1.8.8 , I have been getting results consistently.
mca_base_component_repository_open: unable to open mca_io_romio314: libgpfs.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (ignored)
What is interesting is that this error occurs in the middle of a long loop. Since the loop repeats over different coordinates, the error may not be coming from the gpfs library.
Post by Gilles Gouaillardet
Fair enough,
To be on the safe side, I encourage you to use the latest Intel compilers
I have not tried compiling the latest openmpi with GCC. I am waiting to see how the intel version turns out before attempting GCC.
There used to be a bug in the IOF part, but I am pretty sure this has already been fixed.
Does the issue also occur with GNU compilers ?
There used to be an issue with Intel Fortran runtime (short read/write were silently ignored) and that was also fixed some time ago.
This would work for Quantum Espresso input. I am waiting to see what happens to EPW. I don’t think EPW accepts the -i argument. I will report back once the EPW job is done.
well, my final comment on this topic, as somebody suggested earlier in this email chain, if you provide the input with the -i argument instead of piping from standard input, things seem to work as far as I can see (disclaimer: I do not know what the final outcome should be. I just see that the application does not complain about the 'end of file while reading crystal k points'). So maybe that is the most simple solution.
after some further investigation, I am fairly confident that this is not an MPI I/O problem.
The input file input_tmp.in is generated in this sequence of instructions (which is in Modules/open_close_input_file.f90)
IF ( TRIM(input_file_) /= ' ' ) THEn
! copy file to be opened into input_file
input_file = input_file_
! if no file specified then copy from standard input
OPEN(UNIT = stdtmp, FILE=trim(input_file), FORM='formatted', &
STATUS='unknown', IOSTAT = ierr )
IF ( ierr > 0 ) GO TO 30
dummy=' '
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Waiting for input..."
READ (stdin,fmt='(A512)',END=20) dummy
WRITE (stdtmp,'(A)') trim(dummy)
20 CLOSE ( UNIT=stdtmp, STATUS='keep' )
Basically, if no input file has been provided, the input file is generated by reading from standard input. Since the application is being launched e.g. with
mpirun -np 64 ../bin/pw.x -npool 64 <nscf.in >nscf.out
the data comes from nscf.in. I simply do not know enough about IO forwarding do be able to tell why we do not see the entire file, but one interesting detail is that if I run it in the debugger, the input_tmp.in is created correctly. However, if I run it using mpirun as shown above, the file is cropped incorrectly, which leads to the error message mentioned in this email chain.
Anyway, I would probably need some help here from somebody who knows the runtime better than me on what could go wrong at this point.
Concerning the following error
from pw_readschemafile : error # 1
xml data file not found
The nscf run uses files generated by the scf.in run. So I first run scf.in and when it finishes, I run nscf.in. If you have done this and still get the above error, then this could be another bug. It does not happen for me with intel14/openmpi-1.8.8.
Thanks for the update,
1. I can in fact reproduce your bug on my systems.
0.66666667 0.50000000 0.83333333 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.50000000 0.91666667 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.00000000 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.08333333 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.16666667 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.25000000 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.33333333 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.41666667 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.50000000 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.58333333 5
which is what I *think* causes the problem.
3. I tried to find where input_tmp.in is generated, but haven't completely identified the location. However, I could not find MPI file_write(_all) operations anywhere in the code, although there are some MPI_file_read(_all) operations.
4. I can confirm that the behavior with Open MPI 1.8.x is different. input_tmp.in looks more complete (at least it doesn't end in the middle of the line). The simulation does still not finish for me, but the bug reported is slightly different, I might just be missing a file or something
from pw_readschemafile : error # 1
xml data file not found
Since I think input_tmp.in is generated from data that is provided in nscf.in, it might very well be something in the MPI_File_read(_all) operation that causes the issue, but since both ompio and romio are affected, there is good chance that something outside of the control of io components is causing the trouble (maybe a datatype issue that has changed from 1.8.x series to 3.0.x).
5. Last but not least, I also wanted to mention that I ran all parallel tests that I found in the testsuite (run-tests-cp-parallel, run-tests-pw-parallel, run-tests-ph-parallel, run-tests-epw-parallel ), and they all passed with ompio (and romio314 although I only ran a subset of the tests with romio314).
Hi Edgar,
Just to let you know that the nscf run with --mca io ompio crashed like the other two runs.
Thank you,
ok, thank you for the information. Two short questions and requests. I have qe-6.2.1 compiled and running on my system (although it is with gcc-6.4 instead of the intel compiler), and I am currently running the parallel test suite. So far, all the tests passed, although it is still running.
My question is now, would it be possible for you to give me access to exactly the same data set that you are using? You could upload to a webpage or similar and just send me the link.
The second question/request, could you rerun your tests one more time, this time forcing using ompio? e.g. --mca io ompio
~/bin/openmpi-v3.0/bin/mpiexec -np 64 /home/vaskarpo/bin/qe-6.0_intel14_soc/bin/pw.x -npool 64 < nscf.in > nscf.out
~/bin/openmpi-v3.0/bin/mpiexec --mca io romio314 -np 64 /home/vaskarpo/bin/qe-6.0_intel14_soc/bin/pw.x -npool 64 < nscf.in > nscf.out
And it crashed like the first time.
K_POINTS (automatic)
12 12 12 0 0 0
K_POINTS (crystal)
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.08333333 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.16666667 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.25000000 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.33333333 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.41666667 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.50000000 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.58333333 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.66666667 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.75000000 5.787037e-04
To build openmpi (either 1.10.7 or 3.0.x), I loaded the fortran compiler module, configured with only the “--prefix=" and then “make all install”. I did not enable or disable any other options.
thanks, that is interesting. Since /scratch is a lustre file system, Open MPI should actually utilize romio314 for that anyway, not ompio. What I have seen however happen on at least one occasions is that ompio was still used since ( I suspect) romio314 didn't pick up correctly the configuration options. It is a little bit of a mess from that perspective that we have to pass the romio arguments with different flag/options than for ompio, e.g.
--with-lustre=/path/to/lustre/ --with-io-romio-flags="--with-file-system=ufs+nfs+lustre --with-lustre=/path/to/lustre"
ompio should pick up the lustre options correctly if lustre headers/libraries are found at the default location, even if the user did not pass the --with-lustre option. I am not entirely sure what happens in romio if the user did not pass the --with-file-system=ufs+nfs+lustre but the lustre headers/libraries are found at the default location, i.e. whether the lustre adio component is still compiled or not.
Anyway, lets wait for the outcome of your run enforcing using the romio314 component, and I will still try to reproduce your problem on my system.
I have submitted that job with --mca io romio314. If it finishes, I will let you know. It is sitting in Conte’s queue at Purdue.
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 ext4 435G 16G 398G 4% /
tmpfs tmpfs 16G 1.4M 16G 1% /dev/shm
nfs 80T 64T 17T 80% /home
nfs 8.0T 4.0T 4.1T 49% /apps
lustre 1.4P 994T 347T 75% /scratch/conte
nfs 4.5P 3.0P 1.6P 66% /depot
nfs 200G 130G 71G 65% /usr/rmt_share/fsadmin
The code is compiled in my $HOME and is run on the scratch.
i the v1.10 series, the default MPI-IO component was ROMIO based, and
in the v3 series, it is now ompio.
You can force the latest Open MPI to use the ROMIO based component with
mpirun --mca io romio314 ...
That being said, your description (e.g. a hand edited file) suggests
that I/O is not performed with MPI-IO,
which makes me very puzzled on why the latest Open MPI is crashing.
On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Edgar Gabriel
Post by Vahid Askarpour
I will try to reproduce this problem with 3.0.x, but it might take me a
couple of days to get to it.
Since it seemed to have worked with 2.0.x (except for the running out file
handles problem), there is the suspicion that one of the fixes that we
introduced since then is the problem.
What file system did you run it on? NFS?
My openmpi3.0.x run (called nscf run) was reading data from a routine
Quantum Espresso input file edited by hand. The preliminary run (called scf
run) was done with openmpi3.0.x on a similar input file also edited by hand.
Well, that's a little disappointing.
It would be good to understand why it is crashing -- is the app doing
something that is accidentally not standard? Is there a bug in (soon to be
released) Open MPI 3.0.1? ...?
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Jeff Squyres
Vahid Askarpour
2018-01-30 22:20:36 UTC
No, I installed this version of openmpi once and with intel14.

Post by Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)
Did you install one version of Open MPI over another version?
Post by Vahid Askarpour
This is just an update on how things turned out with openmpi-3.0.x.
I compiled both EPW and openmpi with intel14. In the past, EPW crashed for both intel16 and 17. However, with intel14 and openmpi/1.8.8 , I have been getting results consistently.
mca_base_component_repository_open: unable to open mca_io_romio314: libgpfs.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (ignored)
What is interesting is that this error occurs in the middle of a long loop. Since the loop repeats over different coordinates, the error may not be coming from the gpfs library.
Post by Gilles Gouaillardet
Fair enough,
To be on the safe side, I encourage you to use the latest Intel compilers
I have not tried compiling the latest openmpi with GCC. I am waiting to see how the intel version turns out before attempting GCC.
There used to be a bug in the IOF part, but I am pretty sure this has already been fixed.
Does the issue also occur with GNU compilers ?
There used to be an issue with Intel Fortran runtime (short read/write were silently ignored) and that was also fixed some time ago.
This would work for Quantum Espresso input. I am waiting to see what happens to EPW. I don’t think EPW accepts the -i argument. I will report back once the EPW job is done.
well, my final comment on this topic, as somebody suggested earlier in this email chain, if you provide the input with the -i argument instead of piping from standard input, things seem to work as far as I can see (disclaimer: I do not know what the final outcome should be. I just see that the application does not complain about the 'end of file while reading crystal k points'). So maybe that is the most simple solution.
after some further investigation, I am fairly confident that this is not an MPI I/O problem.
The input file input_tmp.in is generated in this sequence of instructions (which is in Modules/open_close_input_file.f90)
IF ( TRIM(input_file_) /= ' ' ) THEn
! copy file to be opened into input_file
input_file = input_file_
! if no file specified then copy from standard input
OPEN(UNIT = stdtmp, FILE=trim(input_file), FORM='formatted', &
STATUS='unknown', IOSTAT = ierr )
IF ( ierr > 0 ) GO TO 30
dummy=' '
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Waiting for input..."
READ (stdin,fmt='(A512)',END=20) dummy
WRITE (stdtmp,'(A)') trim(dummy)
20 CLOSE ( UNIT=stdtmp, STATUS='keep' )
Basically, if no input file has been provided, the input file is generated by reading from standard input. Since the application is being launched e.g. with
mpirun -np 64 ../bin/pw.x -npool 64 <nscf.in >nscf.out
the data comes from nscf.in. I simply do not know enough about IO forwarding do be able to tell why we do not see the entire file, but one interesting detail is that if I run it in the debugger, the input_tmp.in is created correctly. However, if I run it using mpirun as shown above, the file is cropped incorrectly, which leads to the error message mentioned in this email chain.
Anyway, I would probably need some help here from somebody who knows the runtime better than me on what could go wrong at this point.
Concerning the following error
from pw_readschemafile : error # 1
xml data file not found
The nscf run uses files generated by the scf.in run. So I first run scf.in and when it finishes, I run nscf.in. If you have done this and still get the above error, then this could be another bug. It does not happen for me with intel14/openmpi-1.8.8.
Thanks for the update,
1. I can in fact reproduce your bug on my systems.
0.66666667 0.50000000 0.83333333 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.50000000 0.91666667 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.00000000 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.08333333 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.16666667 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.25000000 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.33333333 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.41666667 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.50000000 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.58333333 5
which is what I *think* causes the problem.
3. I tried to find where input_tmp.in is generated, but haven't completely identified the location. However, I could not find MPI file_write(_all) operations anywhere in the code, although there are some MPI_file_read(_all) operations.
4. I can confirm that the behavior with Open MPI 1.8.x is different. input_tmp.in looks more complete (at least it doesn't end in the middle of the line). The simulation does still not finish for me, but the bug reported is slightly different, I might just be missing a file or something
from pw_readschemafile : error # 1
xml data file not found
Since I think input_tmp.in is generated from data that is provided in nscf.in, it might very well be something in the MPI_File_read(_all) operation that causes the issue, but since both ompio and romio are affected, there is good chance that something outside of the control of io components is causing the trouble (maybe a datatype issue that has changed from 1.8.x series to 3.0.x).
5. Last but not least, I also wanted to mention that I ran all parallel tests that I found in the testsuite (run-tests-cp-parallel, run-tests-pw-parallel, run-tests-ph-parallel, run-tests-epw-parallel ), and they all passed with ompio (and romio314 although I only ran a subset of the tests with romio314).
Hi Edgar,
Just to let you know that the nscf run with --mca io ompio crashed like the other two runs.
Thank you,
ok, thank you for the information. Two short questions and requests. I have qe-6.2.1 compiled and running on my system (although it is with gcc-6.4 instead of the intel compiler), and I am currently running the parallel test suite. So far, all the tests passed, although it is still running.
My question is now, would it be possible for you to give me access to exactly the same data set that you are using? You could upload to a webpage or similar and just send me the link.
The second question/request, could you rerun your tests one more time, this time forcing using ompio? e.g. --mca io ompio
~/bin/openmpi-v3.0/bin/mpiexec -np 64 /home/vaskarpo/bin/qe-6.0_intel14_soc/bin/pw.x -npool 64 < nscf.in > nscf.out
~/bin/openmpi-v3.0/bin/mpiexec --mca io romio314 -np 64 /home/vaskarpo/bin/qe-6.0_intel14_soc/bin/pw.x -npool 64 < nscf.in > nscf.out
And it crashed like the first time.
K_POINTS (automatic)
12 12 12 0 0 0
K_POINTS (crystal)
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.08333333 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.16666667 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.25000000 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.33333333 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.41666667 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.50000000 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.58333333 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.66666667 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.75000000 5.787037e-04
To build openmpi (either 1.10.7 or 3.0.x), I loaded the fortran compiler module, configured with only the “--prefix=" and then “make all install”. I did not enable or disable any other options.
thanks, that is interesting. Since /scratch is a lustre file system, Open MPI should actually utilize romio314 for that anyway, not ompio. What I have seen however happen on at least one occasions is that ompio was still used since ( I suspect) romio314 didn't pick up correctly the configuration options. It is a little bit of a mess from that perspective that we have to pass the romio arguments with different flag/options than for ompio, e.g.
--with-lustre=/path/to/lustre/ --with-io-romio-flags="--with-file-system=ufs+nfs+lustre --with-lustre=/path/to/lustre"
ompio should pick up the lustre options correctly if lustre headers/libraries are found at the default location, even if the user did not pass the --with-lustre option. I am not entirely sure what happens in romio if the user did not pass the --with-file-system=ufs+nfs+lustre but the lustre headers/libraries are found at the default location, i.e. whether the lustre adio component is still compiled or not.
Anyway, lets wait for the outcome of your run enforcing using the romio314 component, and I will still try to reproduce your problem on my system.
I have submitted that job with --mca io romio314. If it finishes, I will let you know. It is sitting in Conte’s queue at Purdue.
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 ext4 435G 16G 398G 4% /
tmpfs tmpfs 16G 1.4M 16G 1% /dev/shm
nfs 80T 64T 17T 80% /home
nfs 8.0T 4.0T 4.1T 49% /apps
lustre 1.4P 994T 347T 75% /scratch/conte
nfs 4.5P 3.0P 1.6P 66% /depot
nfs 200G 130G 71G 65% /usr/rmt_share/fsadmin
The code is compiled in my $HOME and is run on the scratch.
i the v1.10 series, the default MPI-IO component was ROMIO based, and
in the v3 series, it is now ompio.
You can force the latest Open MPI to use the ROMIO based component with
mpirun --mca io romio314 ...
That being said, your description (e.g. a hand edited file) suggests
that I/O is not performed with MPI-IO,
which makes me very puzzled on why the latest Open MPI is crashing.
On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Edgar Gabriel
Post by Vahid Askarpour
I will try to reproduce this problem with 3.0.x, but it might take me a
couple of days to get to it.
Since it seemed to have worked with 2.0.x (except for the running out file
handles problem), there is the suspicion that one of the fixes that we
introduced since then is the problem.
What file system did you run it on? NFS?
My openmpi3.0.x run (called nscf run) was reading data from a routine
Quantum Espresso input file edited by hand. The preliminary run (called scf
run) was done with openmpi3.0.x on a similar input file also edited by hand.
Well, that's a little disappointing.
It would be good to understand why it is crashing -- is the app doing
something that is accidentally not standard? Is there a bug in (soon to be
released) Open MPI 3.0.1? ...?
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Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)
2018-01-30 22:39:33 UTC
Post by Vahid Askarpour
mca_base_component_repository_open: unable to open mca_io_romio314: libgpfs.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (ignored)
This simply means that the mca_io_romio314 plugin failed to load because it was unable to find the libgpfs.so library. You might want to make sure that your shell startup files set LD_LIBRARY_PATH values properly, even for non-interactive logins.

However, the whole point of this thread is to not use the ROMIO plugin, but rather use the OMPIO plugin. So the fact that the ROMIO plugin failed to load because it couldn't find a dependent library is probably not a tragedy -- Open MPI just ignores that plugin and moves on.

The reason you get it a while after startup is because that is likely the first time the application tries to use MPI-IO (Open MPI lazily loads MPI-IO support the first time it is used).
Post by Vahid Askarpour
No, I installed this version of openmpi once and with intel14.
Post by Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)
Did you install one version of Open MPI over another version?
Post by Vahid Askarpour
This is just an update on how things turned out with openmpi-3.0.x.
I compiled both EPW and openmpi with intel14. In the past, EPW crashed for both intel16 and 17. However, with intel14 and openmpi/1.8.8 , I have been getting results consistently.
mca_base_component_repository_open: unable to open mca_io_romio314: libgpfs.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (ignored)
What is interesting is that this error occurs in the middle of a long loop. Since the loop repeats over different coordinates, the error may not be coming from the gpfs library.
Post by Gilles Gouaillardet
Fair enough,
To be on the safe side, I encourage you to use the latest Intel compilers
I have not tried compiling the latest openmpi with GCC. I am waiting to see how the intel version turns out before attempting GCC.
There used to be a bug in the IOF part, but I am pretty sure this has already been fixed.
Does the issue also occur with GNU compilers ?
There used to be an issue with Intel Fortran runtime (short read/write were silently ignored) and that was also fixed some time ago.
This would work for Quantum Espresso input. I am waiting to see what happens to EPW. I don’t think EPW accepts the -i argument. I will report back once the EPW job is done.
well, my final comment on this topic, as somebody suggested earlier in this email chain, if you provide the input with the -i argument instead of piping from standard input, things seem to work as far as I can see (disclaimer: I do not know what the final outcome should be. I just see that the application does not complain about the 'end of file while reading crystal k points'). So maybe that is the most simple solution.
after some further investigation, I am fairly confident that this is not an MPI I/O problem.
The input file input_tmp.in is generated in this sequence of instructions (which is in Modules/open_close_input_file.f90)
IF ( TRIM(input_file_) /= ' ' ) THEn
! copy file to be opened into input_file
input_file = input_file_
! if no file specified then copy from standard input
OPEN(UNIT = stdtmp, FILE=trim(input_file), FORM='formatted', &
STATUS='unknown', IOSTAT = ierr )
IF ( ierr > 0 ) GO TO 30
dummy=' '
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Waiting for input..."
READ (stdin,fmt='(A512)',END=20) dummy
WRITE (stdtmp,'(A)') trim(dummy)
20 CLOSE ( UNIT=stdtmp, STATUS='keep' )
Basically, if no input file has been provided, the input file is generated by reading from standard input. Since the application is being launched e.g. with
mpirun -np 64 ../bin/pw.x -npool 64 <nscf.in >nscf.out
the data comes from nscf.in. I simply do not know enough about IO forwarding do be able to tell why we do not see the entire file, but one interesting detail is that if I run it in the debugger, the input_tmp.in is created correctly. However, if I run it using mpirun as shown above, the file is cropped incorrectly, which leads to the error message mentioned in this email chain.
Anyway, I would probably need some help here from somebody who knows the runtime better than me on what could go wrong at this point.
Concerning the following error
from pw_readschemafile : error # 1
xml data file not found
The nscf run uses files generated by the scf.in run. So I first run scf.in and when it finishes, I run nscf.in. If you have done this and still get the above error, then this could be another bug. It does not happen for me with intel14/openmpi-1.8.8.
Thanks for the update,
1. I can in fact reproduce your bug on my systems.
0.66666667 0.50000000 0.83333333 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.50000000 0.91666667 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.00000000 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.08333333 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.16666667 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.25000000 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.33333333 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.41666667 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.50000000 5.787037e-04
0.66666667 0.58333333 0.58333333 5
which is what I *think* causes the problem.
3. I tried to find where input_tmp.in is generated, but haven't completely identified the location. However, I could not find MPI file_write(_all) operations anywhere in the code, although there are some MPI_file_read(_all) operations.
4. I can confirm that the behavior with Open MPI 1.8.x is different. input_tmp.in looks more complete (at least it doesn't end in the middle of the line). The simulation does still not finish for me, but the bug reported is slightly different, I might just be missing a file or something
from pw_readschemafile : error # 1
xml data file not found
Since I think input_tmp.in is generated from data that is provided in nscf.in, it might very well be something in the MPI_File_read(_all) operation that causes the issue, but since both ompio and romio are affected, there is good chance that something outside of the control of io components is causing the trouble (maybe a datatype issue that has changed from 1.8.x series to 3.0.x).
5. Last but not least, I also wanted to mention that I ran all parallel tests that I found in the testsuite (run-tests-cp-parallel, run-tests-pw-parallel, run-tests-ph-parallel, run-tests-epw-parallel ), and they all passed with ompio (and romio314 although I only ran a subset of the tests with romio314).
Hi Edgar,
Just to let you know that the nscf run with --mca io ompio crashed like the other two runs.
Thank you,
ok, thank you for the information. Two short questions and requests. I have qe-6.2.1 compiled and running on my system (although it is with gcc-6.4 instead of the intel compiler), and I am currently running the parallel test suite. So far, all the tests passed, although it is still running.
My question is now, would it be possible for you to give me access to exactly the same data set that you are using? You could upload to a webpage or similar and just send me the link.
The second question/request, could you rerun your tests one more time, this time forcing using ompio? e.g. --mca io ompio
~/bin/openmpi-v3.0/bin/mpiexec -np 64 /home/vaskarpo/bin/qe-6.0_intel14_soc/bin/pw.x -npool 64 < nscf.in > nscf.out
~/bin/openmpi-v3.0/bin/mpiexec --mca io romio314 -np 64 /home/vaskarpo/bin/qe-6.0_intel14_soc/bin/pw.x -npool 64 < nscf.in > nscf.out
And it crashed like the first time.
K_POINTS (automatic)
12 12 12 0 0 0
K_POINTS (crystal)
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.08333333 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.16666667 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.25000000 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.33333333 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.41666667 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.50000000 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.58333333 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.66666667 5.787037e-04
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.75000000 5.787037e-04
To build openmpi (either 1.10.7 or 3.0.x), I loaded the fortran compiler module, configured with only the “--prefix=" and then “make all install”. I did not enable or disable any other options.
thanks, that is interesting. Since /scratch is a lustre file system, Open MPI should actually utilize romio314 for that anyway, not ompio. What I have seen however happen on at least one occasions is that ompio was still used since ( I suspect) romio314 didn't pick up correctly the configuration options. It is a little bit of a mess from that perspective that we have to pass the romio arguments with different flag/options than for ompio, e.g.
--with-lustre=/path/to/lustre/ --with-io-romio-flags="--with-file-system=ufs+nfs+lustre --with-lustre=/path/to/lustre"
ompio should pick up the lustre options correctly if lustre headers/libraries are found at the default location, even if the user did not pass the --with-lustre option. I am not entirely sure what happens in romio if the user did not pass the --with-file-system=ufs+nfs+lustre but the lustre headers/libraries are found at the default location, i.e. whether the lustre adio component is still compiled or not.
Anyway, lets wait for the outcome of your run enforcing using the romio314 component, and I will still try to reproduce your problem on my system.
I have submitted that job with --mca io romio314. If it finishes, I will let you know. It is sitting in Conte’s queue at Purdue.
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 ext4 435G 16G 398G 4% /
tmpfs tmpfs 16G 1.4M 16G 1% /dev/shm
nfs 80T 64T 17T 80% /home
nfs 8.0T 4.0T 4.1T 49% /apps
lustre 1.4P 994T 347T 75% /scratch/conte
nfs 4.5P 3.0P 1.6P 66% /depot
nfs 200G 130G 71G 65% /usr/rmt_share/fsadmin
The code is compiled in my $HOME and is run on the scratch.
i the v1.10 series, the default MPI-IO component was ROMIO based, and
in the v3 series, it is now ompio.
You can force the latest Open MPI to use the ROMIO based component with
mpirun --mca io romio314 ...
That being said, your description (e.g. a hand edited file) suggests
that I/O is not performed with MPI-IO,
which makes me very puzzled on why the latest Open MPI is crashing.
On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Edgar Gabriel
Post by Vahid Askarpour
I will try to reproduce this problem with 3.0.x, but it might take me a
couple of days to get to it.
Since it seemed to have worked with 2.0.x (except for the running out file
handles problem), there is the suspicion that one of the fixes that we
introduced since then is the problem.
What file system did you run it on? NFS?
My openmpi3.0.x run (called nscf run) was reading data from a routine
Quantum Espresso input file edited by hand. The preliminary run (called scf
run) was done with openmpi3.0.x on a similar input file also edited by hand.
Well, that's a little disappointing.
It would be good to understand why it is crashing -- is the app doing
something that is accidentally not standard? Is there a bug in (soon to be
released) Open MPI 3.0.1? ...?
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